Animal therapy has established benefits for individuals with Dementia as well as those with emotional and psychiatric issues. Many journal articles have been written about how having a pet corresponds directly with increased well being and decreased agitation and isolation.
A recent development in animal therapy is bringing significant improvement in the symptoms of individuals with Alzheimer’s and/or dementia. Paro, the robotic seal, is the first in a new wave of robotic animals that act like the “real thing” without having to be cared for like a live animal. Studies have been conducted in nursing homes all over the country with favorable results.
Now, not only can you choose from a loveable seal, but you also can choose a robotic dog or cat. Each animal has species specific behavior (dog barking and wagging, cat purring and head butting) and has fur that feels real. At approximately $100; it can be included in the current arsenal of positive, affordable therapies for Dementia patients.
To read the actual study about “Paro” the seal, click here.
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