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How to celebrate your Parents Birthday with Dementia?

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Celebrating your mother or father’s birthday won’t be as easy if they are suffering from dementia. But it’s not impossible. Yes, you won’t be able to celebrate their special day as you used to, but there are other ways you can make it special for them. Activities like gardening, eating out, or even doing their … Continue reading

Take Good Care of Your Elderly

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Addressing Loneliness Loneliness is one of the reasons why depression is starting to increase among the senior population. Being alone for too long is never good for anyone, no matter what age group you belong to. Make sure to spend time with your loved one often and to also invest in quality companionship services! Loneliness … Continue reading

This July 4th, take a Constitutional quiz!

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We all know that July 4 (aka Independence Day) is a day that is held near and dear to the hearts of Americans. Despite the cookouts and fireworks that usually commemorate the day, most of us do indeed reflect on what it means to be an American and take a moment to appreciate all the … Continue reading

Protect your elderly loved ones from the sun

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It is “sun season” and time to think about keeping our elderly loved ones protected from the negative effects of sun exposure. As we all know, elderly individuals spend a lot of time sitting; whether in wheelchairs or “taking breaks” on benches and in other public areas. While nobody can deny that fresh air and … Continue reading

Celebrating Mother’s Day with a parent who has Dementia

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As Spring blossoms and we start to notice the beautiful plants and flowers returning; Mother’s Day arrives along with what can be a bittersweet celebration or visit. When your mother has Alzheimer’s or Dementia, remembering the happy celebrations of the past while attempting to create a positive and memorable Mother’s Day event can be a … Continue reading