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A furry companion for dementia patients

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Animal therapy has established benefits for individuals with Dementia as well as those with emotional and psychiatric issues. Many journal articles have been written about how having a pet corresponds directly with increased well being and decreased agitation and isolation. A recent development in animal therapy is bringing significant improvement in the symptoms of individuals … Continue reading

Adult Day Programs are Awesome!

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Adults with Alzheimer’s or Dementia often are placed in settings where they are isolated due to some of the behaviors associated with these diseases. Since both conditions are incurable; it is important to support the quality of life of our loved ones in addition to simply keeping them “safe.” Often we associate safety with keeping … Continue reading

Holidays can be difficult for seniors

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It is the holiday season and the focus is on parties, gifts and food for many people. The pressure to enjoy yourself and make the holidays “magical” can be difficult for our elderly loved ones; especially when their family members are remote and their spouse or partner has passed on. Gifts and treats are of … Continue reading

Overcoming Resistance to Care

Posted in resistance to care

Having a conversation with an elderly loved one about getting extra care can be challenging. The time this conversation comes up is usually after the passing of a spouse or partner or a medical emergency that brings safety in the home to the attention of family members and the individual’s doctor. This discussion rarely happens … Continue reading